CSTL Collaborative Social Technologies Lab

Collaborative Social Technologies Lab (CSTL)

The Collaborative Social Technologies Lab (CSTL) is a human-computer interaction research group at KAIST in the School of Computing. Our research — based primarily on the paradigm of online trust and safety — focuses on understanding and improving the interpersonal dynamics of social technologies, helping users learn, work, and play together more positively and productively.

Recent News

Call for Applications – Undergraduate Research Assistants, Summer 2024

The Collaborative Social Technologies Lab led by Professor Joseph Seering is recruiting two undergraduate research assistants for the summer term of 2024. Up to one research assistant will be hired for each project listed in this document. The expected commitment for a research assistant position is approximately 40 hours per week, and the positions are paid accordingly.

The deadline for applications is 11:59PM KST on Friday, May 31th, 2024. In order to apply, please send the following materials to seering@kaist.ac.kr

  • A copy of your resume showing any relevant experience you have for the project you are interested in
  • A statement of interest (max length: 1 page) saying which project you are interested in and why it is interesting to you. Please choose only one of the two projects.
  • A copy of your transcript (unofficial transcript is okay) and a list of courses you're taking this semester.
  • Please note that all lab business is currently handled in English, so applicants should be prepared to communicate in English for all research-related activities.